Thursday, June 26, 2008

Healthy habits help keep your family well.

Take care: Cover coughs and sneezes.
Keep hands clean:

Healthy habits can protect you and your children from getting germs
or spreading germs at home, work and school. Simple actions can stop
germs and prevent illnesses.
Cover your mouth and nose. Use a tissue when you cough or sneeze
and drop it in the trash. If you don’t have a tissue, cover your mouth
and nose as best you can.
Clean your hands often. Clean your hands every time you cough or
sneeze. Hand washing stops germs. Alcohol-based gels and wipes also
work well.
Remind your children to practice healthy habits, too. Germs that
cause colds, coughs, fl u and pneumonia can spread easily.
Healthy habits help reduce illnesses and sick days. Feel good
about doing the right things to stay well.

Healthy habits stop germs. At home, work and school.

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